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PPR Club, Warren Club and Essex-Hudson Council participate in Halloween activities.  There was the PCBW Shelter party with pizza, beverages, dancing, costumes, face painting, and of course, lots of fun.  Trick or Suites at the Embassy Suites for Special Needs children allowed us to decorate rooms and hand out treats in a safe environment for the trick-or-treaters



On Friday, September 5th the Paterson-Passaic-Ridgewood (PPR) Club partnered with two groups, The Power of One and World Organization for Positive Action. They worked together on our 2014 backpack project. By partnering, we were able to fill 252 backpacks. Chris Liszner reached out to Kim Castellano, Life Coach for Power of One and together they decided School #12 in Clifton would be a good destination for the backpacks. The backpacks were mainly for 2nd and 3rd graders. The Pioneers provided seven volunteers including, Chris Liszner, Tina Callahan, Angela Barat, Bob Stonier, Patti Stonier, Diane Yennie and President Bruce Yennie. Besides the items the Pioneers bought, donations were asked for and made by Walgreens, Walmart, New Jersey Vineyard Church and Lauren Murphy of the Clifton Council. We thank them all for making this project a success!


Summer Pantry1  Summer Pantry3 Summer Pantry2

McCully Upstate collected a total of 543 pounds of food for the Spring Pantry Project. Food and clothing was donated to Imani Baptist Church Outreach Program, East Orange. Food Bank Director Margret Banks and Rev. Wade Hudson were on hand Saturday July 26th to greet our 37 Pioneers and their helpers. The food bank serves over 115 clients every Saturday. The donation from the New Vision Pioneers was greatly appreciated by the community.

Newark-Essex-Hudson McCully Up birthday2 Newark-Essex-Hudson Council celebrated founder Harry Glenwood McCully’s  (H. G. McCully) 159th birthday today at their Newark Location.  Snacks were provided as a thank-you from the Council for supporting the Pioneers’ efforts.  Pictured are Mike and Bernard who thanked our Pioneers and Partners for their support.
 Dial Program 1Dial program 2Dial program 3On June 12, 2014, three PPR Volunteers went to St. Brendan’s Church for the DIAL (Disabled, Information, Awareness, and Living) Program.  Susan Kramer heads this adult only program whose transportation is provide by the County.  PPR has been volunteering for this project for the past nine years. Susan provided the food which was served up by three volunteers.  The PPR Club volunteers, served up lunch, and played Bingo and provided gifts to each winner.  They played five games and received raffle tickets. Once everyone was awarded their prizes, dessert was then served.  Pictured are Ed and Tina of the PPR Club and members of DIAL playing Bingo.
Lupus Walk 2014 IMG_3258b (2)McCully Upstate Pioneers, family and friends stop to pose for a picture at the 2014 Walk With Us for a Cure (Lupus Walk) fundraiser on Saturday, May 10th at MetLife Stadium.  All proceeds for the walk go directly for research to find a cure.  May is Lupus Awareness Month.  Imagine your immune system attacking your healthy body instead of disease.  That’s Lupus.  Help find a cure.  Join Alliance for Lupus Research (ALR), #lupus  or alr.org#OneLineOneDay
Earth DaEarth Dayy and Earth Week are celebrated annually in events worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day is observed on April 22 each year and Earth Week is usually observed that entire week.  During this time, try making a small change that will benefit the environment. Incorporate it into your daily life so that when Earth Day arrives, it will already be a daily habit.   Some suggestions to consider:  turn down your water heater or only water your lawn in the early morning, install energy efficient light bulbs or recycle.  Be conscious of chemical wastes you produce and how you return them to the environment.  Earth day is meant to inspire the public to take better care of the environment and learn to take pride in the environment by making one or two small changes. The whole planet will feel the impact.
Playground MAP UpstatePlayground Map project:  The PPR Clubtakes a minute to pose after painting aplayground map of the U.S. in Bogota, NJ. The playground map is painted without the names of States or their Capitals to help students learn/identify the geography of the states. See publishedarticles regarding this project at:http://www.bogotablognj.com/search?updated-max=2013-07-30T08:04:00-04:00&max-results=3&start=3&by-date=false and  article at North Jersey.com
Placemat ProjectPlacemat Project:  Active and Retired Pioneers and their friends and families make placemats out of greeting cards and various textiles for placemats to be provided tonursing homes, veteran homes, etc.  Placemat themes varied including holidays, pets, florals and abstracts.
National VolunteerNational Volunteer week Week  (April 6th thru April 12th, 2014) is about inspiring, recognizing and ecnouraging people to seek our imaginative ways to connect in their communities.  It’s about signifying to the nation that by working together, we have the determination to meet our challenges and accomplish our goals.  This is a great opportunity for you, individually or as an organization to volunteer in your community.  We would like to thank you for your support and ask that you help us continue to answer the calls of those in need.