Archives 2011-2012
Baby Baskets

Essex Life Member Club recently delivered a Baby Basket containing hand crocheted items to Clara Mass Hospital in Belleville

Baby Basket 1

PPR Life Member Club delivered Baby Baskets to St. Mary’s Hospital in Passaic. The baskets

included hand knitted blankets, sweaters and booties. 



Also pictured are school backpacks that were provided to YCS Kilbarchan, Passaic County Women’s Center and  Father English Community Center.

Quest for a cure**The Quest for a Cure!** 

On May 12, 2012, the Newark Council participated in the 2012 New Jersey Walk with Us To Cure Lupus Walkathon. The ALR Walk with Us To Cure Lupus Walkathon is a national event that changes lives and brings people together in the quest to end the suffering caused by lupus. Because ALR’s Board of Directors funds all administrative and fundraising costs, 100% of your donation will go to fund research into lupus – a devastating autoimmune disease.

Verizon Newark Council Pioneers family and friends and representatives from the Essex and Morristown Councils along with the Newark Day Center teamed up together for Join Hands Day to paint, plant and mulch the playground area of the center.  Newark Day Center is a multi-faceted, innovative, pace-setting community agency serving children, youth, adults and seniors.

Aluminum Can tabsNewark Council is collecting aluminum can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Our goal is to collect one million tabs by the end of 2012.  This collection will help to provide families with a home-away-from-home while their loved one is hospitalized at little to no cost.  For more information contact Bridget Anthony @  908-717-5249

pic:Bridget and Ursula counting aluminum pull tabs


 100 year logoThe Pioneers celebrated our 100 year anniversary on November 2, 2011 in Boston, Massachusetts.  Our Centennial means that you and every other Pioneer – past and present – share an extraordinary bond.  Together, you have experienced a century of the rewards and fellowship that come with volunteering to make a difference.  Our principal objectives – fellowship, service and loyalty -represented by the three sides of our original triangle logo, paved the way for today’s Pioneer.  Today’s Pioneers organization is deeply connected to our long and proud legacy and committed to evolving our volunteerism so we can continue to respond to the ever changing needs of our local communities.  Pioneer members are confident in their ability to move those in need from adversity to achievement, making a difference in their hometowns by taking an authentic grassroots approach.  In this way, our founding objectives continue to guide our commitment to our mission of making a difference as volunteers.